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Mobile Tan Delta Oil Tester (MOT) Kit

Mobile Tan Delta Oil Tester (MOT) Kit


TanDelta Mobile Oil Tester Kit, Sensitivity 100ppm / 0.01%, w/ OQSx-G2 sensor, Case, Cables, USB MOT Software, Sample Bottles

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Product Details


  • INSTANT OIL CONDITION ANALYSIS – Anywhere, anytime, any oil.
  • CONFIGURABLE TO ANY OIL TYPE – Mineral and synthetic.
  • TRACK AND TREND – Easily keep track of samples from different assets.
  • SIMPLE & RELIABLE – Portable and easy to use in any field or workshop environment.
  • DETECT ISSUES – Instantly detect unexpected equipment and oil issues.
  • MINIMISE CARBON FOOTPRINT – Achieve ESG targets by safely maximising oil life.

Easily analyse any oil from any equipment in seconds with the portable MOT kit, enabling maintenance crews to make fact- based decision making.

Instantly and scientifically determine exactly how worn oil is, how long until it needs to be changed or refreshed, how long until equipment maintenance is needed and be alerted to unseen internal issues with equipment which could lead to an unexpected breakdown needing attention.

Simple and easy to use with no training required. Prevents wasting of good oil and ensures equipment is maintained when needed.

Typically enables a significant reduction in oil use and maintenance – resulting in significant cost savings.

The kit is built around the OQSx-G2 real time oil condition analysis sensor, which analyses oil at a molecular level to determine its exact condition.

Results are displayed using the MOT results application which runs on any Windows based laptop or PC.

Everything is included within a single portable Peli case designed for continuous use in rough industrial and commercial environments.


  • Product Series: MOT 
  • Oil Quality Detection Parameter: Sensitity: 100ppm / 0.01%, Elements: All wear and Contamination
  • System Requirements: Windows 10 or above, Minimum Space: 100Mb, Internet connection: Optional for application and database updates
  • Included In Kit: Tan Delta yellow peli case, OQSx-G2 sensor, Sensor to PC power and data cable (Cable J), MOT Kit bottle adaptor, USB stick (containing MOT software), MOT Quick Start Guide, Reusable sample bottles